Sonus Faber Concertinos & 30watt tube integrated?

Has anyone tried this combination: Sonus Faber Concertinos paired with a 30 watt tube integrated? I'm curious to see what the results are. I currently have an AMC 30 watt tube integrated amp and am seriously considering purchasing a pair of Concertinos for my small listening room. I play acoustic jazz and classical music almost exclusively at soft to medium levels. Comments??
From my listens to the Concertinos I'd say they might just be what you're after. Get a dealer to let you take home a pair of the weekend and see if they do it for you. Bet they will!
Shouldn't be ANY problem. The Concertino's are "sweet" sounding and, IMO, S-F speakers generally like classical & jazz, in that order. So they match your musical taste.
You want an "articulate" amp because the Concertino's are more charming than they are precise, i.e. when well positioned, the musical results overall are superior to resolution, details, etc. A very detailed amp will add more detail...
But, anyway, the music is what you're after, right?