
Responses from dmbd174

Suggestions for a monitor speaker
Try the ACI Sapphires. Absolutely wonderful. Very musically enjoyable. Great company as well. One of the best audio purchases I've ever made 
Totem or B&W?
ACI Sapphire. Slightly over your budget but they will take you to a whole other level. I've owned or auditioned many fine speakers from Thiels to B&Ws to Wilsons, etc. and the Sapphires are one of the most musically enjoyable speaker I've expe... 
Rocket Loudspeakers by Onix?
Also check the AVS forum. There seems to be a rabid following there. I think there may also be some sort of club or service that helps people find an owner in their area. 
Anyone using the hsu VTF-2 subwoofer?
I've heard the VTF-2 in a couple of setups. A very good value for HT for sure. To me, only acceptable for stereo but might be good enough for you. Like someone said, you might want to try a used one, not a lot invested that way, you get to see how... 
Adding a passive sub system Help.
Why not active? You gain much flexibility in my book with an active sub system. The ability to fine-tune the level for one, the phase for one, and the crossover for three. . . . 
Best efficient speaker for the money.
At least give the Conquest a listen. I've heard it sound verrry nice indeed! 
Sonus Faber Concertinos & 30watt tube integrated?
From my listens to the Concertinos I'd say they might just be what you're after. Get a dealer to let you take home a pair of the weekend and see if they do it for you. Bet they will! 
Vienna Speakers: Compared to other Hi-end spks?
I've heard Beethovens, Mahlers and Haydens in various systems. They may not throw a ton of detail in your face, but they certainly are quite musical. I'd try to setup a serious audition. 
B&W 804's Vs. Vienna Acoustic Beethoven
I'm not a real big B&W fan. But what matters is what you like. The Viennas and the B&Ws are very different sounding speakers. If I had to pick, I'd definittely go with the Viennas. Also consider Aerial. 
Best CD tracks used to compare equipment?
The keys are using music you love, you are very familiar with, and that has a wide variety of sonics. Any DMB of course! 
How to improve 2-channel performance in HT rig?
Pat have you tried using any temporary acoustic absorbers over your RPTV? That big reflective surface only a foot behind the plane of your mains has a rather major effect. You might do a simple experiment of covering with thick layers of blankets.... 
Bright room, help
I'd like to hear what improvement your found with your player. Here's a cheap one: have about a dozen or more of your friends park themselves around the room. Works for my just about everytime! 
HT Choice Aerial 10T or B&W N803?
Others have made good observations. My own personal vote would go to the Aerials. I really like the 10Ts. As they have supposedly been discontinued perhaps you can get a bit of a "deal" from a dealer that would want to move what he has?