Any owners of of the Connect with the mod ever compare to other high end streamers for SQ? I have a yggy that is connected to Sonos connect and wonder if it is worthwhile to get the wyred4sound mod done or move on to a another streaming option.
I think the Wyred mod is excellent. I use a modded Connect in main system and non modded in bedroom. I run both through an outboard DAC. Well worth the upgrade but have not compared to other brands, as I like the Sonos interface so much.
I believe the mod bypasses the internal DAC, so an outboard DAC is necessary. I also much prefer the standard Connect with an external DAC, such as Peachtree Dac itx or Parasound Zdac.
Wyred offers a 30 day trial of the Remedy reclocker, which is most of what the Sonos upgrade is...a good way to find out if it's for you..Wyred told me the Sonos upgrade sound a little better than adding the Remedy
the yggy will not reduce jitter as well as the Wyred or Empirical upgrades...becomes a question of how much improvement you want and how much you want to spend...I would not use the standard Sonos with a quality DAC...tried it...
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