Sonore Signature Rendu SE

I recently upgraded from the Sonore opticalRendu and paused to question my own sanity given the increased spend. I thoroughly enjoyed the opticalRendu for over a year and would highly recommend any Sonore solutions as an entry into the streaming market. While a comparison was not performed with the ultraRendu I can praise the optical connection for ultra clear signal. Those craving CD quality and above should implement this connectivity in your system.

The Signature Rendu is absolutely amazing in its clarity, detail and simplicity.  It is the powerhouse that you often read about in other technical reviews. The optical USB input port is very convenient and eliminates an extra converter and cable expense.  Same with the internal power supply. For those contemplating whether an external power supply would provide better performance, I did not find this to be the case when upgrading.  In terms of the sound, it is a night and day difference between the two Rendus.  The Signature Rendu is far superior than the opticalRendu. It is similar to the difference between listening to a band’s recordings and seeing them in concert.   I can assure those who are also questioning whether the upgrade is worth the additional expense, it is for sure. I would not hesitate in making the same decision again if it should arise.



Remind the collective, are the finisar 1475's needed for the sonore products 1G or 10G?  At this moment, I can't recall. 

I'm using AfterDark Project ClayX reference SFP, believe I purchased the 1g version. I have 1g internet service.

After several weeks of break-in, the Sonore Sig. Rendu SE Deluxe and Optical Module Deluxe (powered by Sonore's LPS and premium DC cable) sound superb. They surpass my prior SOtM SMS-200 with 10mhz clock link.  Nevertheless there is further improvement with an Uptone EtherRegen at the network end of the FO link and a SOtM USBultra between the USB output of the Rendu Deluxe and my Esoteric K-01X DAC.  So there is still a place for tweaks...