Sonore Microrendu USB to Ayre Codex

Roon bridge running on an iMac sends files to my Ayre QX-5 Twenty digital hub, but Roon core running 24/7 on a Mac Mini tells me to select a zone and doesn't find the Ayre Codex.  When I go to the Roon endpoint table only the QX-5 and QX-8 are shown for Ayre.  The MicroRendu is shown for Sonore.  If I insert a MicroRendu between the Mini and the Codex is that likely to fix the problem?  I assume I could select the MicroRendu and Roon would find it.
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The problem seems to be that the Codex is not a streamer so Roon does not recognize it as Ayre an endpoint; only the Q5 and Q8 are listed as endpoints, and thus findable.  The inexpensive microRendu is a streamer and found by Roon as an endpoint.  So I plan to connect the Mac Mini via ethernet to the microRendu, and the microRendu via USB to the Codex.

I bought Audeze LCD-X headphones this morning to use with the Codex as an alternate to the KEF Ref 1s or LS50s.  I'm going to try balanced cables from Audeze.
If the Codex is connected directly to the Roon Core through by a USB then I believe there are additional issues.  You may need to have Roon Bridge reinstall the Codex.  If it’s not immediately recognized maybe Roon’s “find your device” identification needs to be run.  It may be trying to communicate with the Codex thinking it is still the DX5 with a slightly different communication protocol.  Also you may want to reach out to Roon support.

Roon bridge running on an iMac successfully sent files via USB to the Ayre DX-5 DSD, so I assumed Roon core would send files to the Codex via USB.  But I think I need a streamer, and it seems a microRendu will fill that need nicely.  CIA is an easy drive from Montecito (AKA Santa Barbara), so I may pick up a power supply at the factory.
Roon core is running 24/7 on a Mini connected by USB cable to the Codex.  It played a couple of files then stopped, and I have been unable to select it as a zone.  Since moving stuff around, Roon bridge connects to my QX-5 and is the only endpoint on our network recognized by Roon.
The Ayre Codex is not a Roon Endpoint.  If it is connected to the Roon Core directly by USB cable it will operate, but otherwise you need something like the microrendu as an endpoint that Roon will recognize on the network.  You would connect the Codex to it and and choose the MicroRendu as the zone in Roon.  I did the same operation with a Logitech Touch as the endpoint and connected the Codex to the the Logitech via USB. I now use a QX5 as a direct Roon Endpoint using an ethernet connection.