It is possible to fry a capacitor or other circuit and the unit will still work. It won't operate as it is intended by spec, but it can still operate. Problem is, now you face the possibility of something more catastrophic and god forbid, a fire. When electronics burn out at work, that unit does not operate until we've found and fixed whatever the problem was. You should do the same. I'd take it to an electronics store and have it looked over. That is, before you lose your entire investment. It may not be thay severe, but better safe than sorry.
Something Stinks
I've had my McIntosh MCD7007 for around 20 years now. Although it idled for many years I used it often for the first 3 years or so and recently for about 2-1/2 years. It has always worked and performed flawlessly until now. I was curious what a DAC would do for the performance so I just picked up a used Meridian 563 DAC and within a half hour I smelt a burt odor, like a fried circuit board or transformer smell. It seems to be coming from my CD player. Everything still works and sounds good but something is going on. The digital output on my CD player has never been used until now.
Any thoughts ?
Any thoughts ?
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