Something on top of a speaker=okay?

We have a (toy) stuffed dog laying on top of one of our floorstanding speakers. Does this affect the sound?  

Do I need to find an identical breed of stuffed dog to put on the other speaker to maintain balance? Does it matter if it's a dog, an elephant or a cute bunny? What about the color? We can dye the dog's fur if that improves the soundstage.


Showing 3 responses by nonoise

The only way I could find to post photos was to register at a site that can serve as an address for them so you can post them in the URL box when clicking on the square landscape image from above.

The site I use is and it’s free to register with and there seems to be no limit as to how many images you can upload, just the size of them. It’s pretty much self explanatory and fun to use.

When selecting which image to use, just right click on it and choose copy image address and then paste it in A'gon's URL box after clicking on the above icon mentioned.

All the best,

In all seriousness, I do have a frog on my speaker.

All the best,

I have a stuffed frog on one of my speakers and the sound doesn’t jump around at all.

All the best,