Something Millercarbon has preached Be A Better Listener. Do not get mired in data.

At times I agree with @millercarbon. Not often but at times.

One thing he has always preached is "Do you know how to listen"?

Well this article sheds a little light on that very subject.

Yes Chuck that was a compliment.

Just provoking some thought and I may look a tweaks a little different (just not colored rocks).


Showing 5 responses by asvjerry

*ah*, the Royal 'We...' *sigh*  Bound to have happened, and it did...

Celibacy Celebrity has gone to a head, volume to 11,  the klaxon kall to arms (left, right, left....)...

The line for autoaudiographics starts......where? ;)

"A noted master of his own mine....."

I'm nota'bot...

@millercarbon ...*L*  Since you've seemed to have been 'detected and dejected' into the meme of 'Default Audio Buddha'....'Elected by habit, denied option, desired yet debated to the point of detest by others...;


Checkmate? ;)

('Bots' can't 'do this'....yet....😏...)

At the end of a day, one has to love AG....or, find it annoying enough to still be drawn like a moth to the flame that will engulf it... ;)

There are those that remain 'techie' learns from them, although wheat from chaff still remains work.

There remains those that remind one of cats with tails entwined, slung over a clothesline (Remember those?  Source of the still popular descriptive 'fail' move...), and what generally happens...

The 'good natured' variety is somewhat funny....others?  Not so much.

Voting with @jpwarren58 on this one...volume to 9, and remember why you're hear, not expound....

( surprise, I hope, how often I drown y'all out....)

...and I am Definitely not a 'bot....;)

....and 'MC' has just blatantly boasted of being a case study of MI.

Multiple Identities; the 'Great Waster of Minds"....

Some retirees' play tennis, golf, Yahtzee.....*shrug*

Well, kewl...whatever keeps the Depends pasted...;)

Me?  A one-man bland...😏

"...'Botsylvania is the place y'otta be....