Something I made :)

Not sure I hit the right topic but I wanted to get some feedback from some experienced audiophiles :) 
I've been working on a sound visualization device for more than 3 years and I think I finally got it right ( development never ends with me, but I think Its good enough to get an opinion ) 
Sooooo, this is it: 
Do you guys like it, was it worth my stride? Would you want something like this in your house?
That's quite an achievement and it just may have another use: it would be a terrific lure for a giant squid. 👍

Seriously, they go for that stuff. 

All the best,
It's a very cool development, but this forum is probably the wrong audience for this product.  It would probably be a total hit on a disco/rave forum.  Or DJ forum.
How big is it? What does it run off of, typical outlet, battery, etc? 
Is that a glass orb reflecting LEDs? 
What would MSRP be, approximately? 

Would the lights be flickering and the spinning/motion be substantially different with slower music? 

I am genuinely curious about such answers.  :)