Some people actively participate but rarely if ever start a thread.

Why not ?


Showing 1 response by waytoomuchstuff

@inna Congratulations on starting a new thread.

Maybe identifying some of the reason why people start a new thread, then apply some "reverse engineering" might add a little clarity?

First the question: "What’s in it for me?" There is A reason (or reasons) why someone begins a new thread.

Possible scenarios:

A deep curiosity related to a subject with a geniune intent to do a deep(er) dive into the subject.

An entrepreneural spirit where one enjoys contemplating original thought(s) and wants to share them. "I have this idea. What do YOU think?"

Actually "owning" a topic, rather than being a mere participant

Establish (or reestablish) "SGR" (Smartest Guy in the Room) status. "You think you’re pretty knowledgable on this subject? My concept can beat up your concept."

Serving humanity. Presenting a solution to a problem that seems to be unresolved to help others.

Ads for my new thread introductions. "Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should."

So, now we take all the above and invert it 180 degrees out of phase and we understand those who don’t start new threads?

Thanks for the (new) topic. Fun read.