some of the best speaker cables under $250

I have owned many many cables over the years but with my current setup I am focusing on a different approach as far as cables are concerned. Impressed with a recently purchased pair of Morrow Audio MA2 RCA cables I feel that there are some great bang for the buck cables available and rather than start with what I've owned and liked in the past I want to try some of the strong contenders in the 'budget' range. Above all else I want musical not dry. I want to hear as much as possible into the music without it becoming clinical. Nothing new, I know.
I'm leaning toward Morrow cables but there seem to be so many cable makers out there I'm interested in what might not be on my radar.
I've owned Signal, Mapleshade, Crimson, LFD, Harmonic Tech, WLM DIY(in use) to name a few. My short list so far: Cullen, thegreencable, Morrow.
My current system consists of an LFD integrated, Tekton LORE Reference loudspeakers, Musical Paradise DAC/OPPO transport.
02-12-15: Devilboy
@ Audiolabyrinth: Thank you. How someone can have the gall to tell you that you won't be able to tell differences in making tweaks in your system, a system he's never heard before, is beyond me. Also, setting a price point to determine the worthiness of a tweak is, like I said earlier, ridiculous. Speaking of which, I'm still trying to make heads or tails of Melbguy1's statement about my "deadpan" remark. ???????
I've been in this game far too long and spent far too much money for comments from those listed above to go unrebuked.
Hey, if people feel they must spend exorbitant amounts of money on equipment (or anything else for that matter), as the only means to achieve great results, then I say LET THEM.
I've been to someone's house a few times whose system retails for around 300K. Every time I've been there, I kept thinking I couldn't wait to get home to listen to my system. While his system did a few things very well, it was too "hifi" and not as natural and organic sounding as my own. Now, this is all according to MY ears of course, but Audiolabyrinth that's all that matters.....your own ears.
Devilboy, why are you so insecure? I descibed your comment "Yeah Mental, ridiculous statement." as deadpan because it was an unqualified remark. You can say I have a "gall" or am "ridiculous". That just sounds like histrionics to me.

Secondly, show me where I said you have to spend "exorbitant amounts of money on equipment (or anything else for that matter), as the only means to achieve great results"?? You can't, can you?

Finally, how can you conclude from hearing one ultra high end system that ALL ultra high end systems are amusical? I think you need to get out and listen to some more systems for your rush to judgment. Fyi, "natural and organic" is what I am for in my system...
02-13-15: Audiolabyrinth
Thankyou devilboy for the kind word's,btW, The person who told that comment to me is the same person who said, dead pan remark to you,and I agree, my ear's is all that matters, however, given your description of the sound of your system, we have the same tast, natural, organic,= win's!
No Keith, you quoted Devilboy's comment criticizing Mental's earlier post. Then when Devilboy later criticized and berated me, you decided to jump in with your opportunistic 'me too' comment above. I don't appreciate being used as your punching bag to brown nose other members.
Fwiw, I made some cables out of 14ga Magnet Wire today. I posted earlier in the cable section regarding details.

Bottom line, it sounds really good to me. The cost is minimal, and when I listened earlier, I didn't feel I was missing anything. Maybe I will feel differently later, who knows. My other cables have ranged from generic stranded 12ga to $400 or so a pair.

I'm sure there are more than one answer to your question- there always is. Just thought I would mention this to you.

Trusted canare 4s11 are back in my system, Biwire configuration.
Unquestionably fatter bass, more natural voice reproduction with a lot less harsh sibilances, imaging less laser sharp but more "3D"... In short, a lot more musical.
The Bjc 10awg (belden 5T00UP) has proven to be far less pleasant.
Oh well, for $20, it was worth the try. Inductance is 3-4x the canare, so maybe it explains the difference in sound.
This makes want to try a cable with the lowest inductance, i.e Kimber 8pr to stay relatively cheap.... So for me, canare 4s11 remains the best cable under 250!

Mogami W3104

Is a good alternative to the Canare 4S11 which is also one of my favorites

Good Listening

Another vote here for ClearDay cables. Fantastic product and the owner, Paul, is one of the really good guys.