Some famous reviewers have atrocious listening rooms!

It’s almost sad, really.  Some reviewers I’ve been reading for decades, when showing their rigs on YouTube, have absolutely horrible rooms.  Weird shaped; too small w/o acoustic treatment; crap all over the place within the room or around the speakers; and on and on.  

Had I known about the listening rooms they use to review gear in the past, I would not have placed such a value on what they were writing.  I think reviewers should not just list the equipment they used in a given review, but be required to show their listening rooms, as well.

Turns out my listening room isn’t so bad, after all.  




Showing 3 responses by tomic601

there are no perfect performance halls, studios, nor listening rooms…. there are certainly some of legend…. and lore…


cracks me up the fashion critic fails to lead by example……by… ahem…. posting pictures of the system…their…system…

What you might find of much more interest or “ entertainment “, have a look see at the rooms TOP mastering people use….. My hero is Joe and all the work he does for Blue Note / Tone Poet…..

There are others…….

Enjoy the music