Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?


Showing 2 responses by wsrrsw


The only downside to Aurender is that the dynamic range on some tracks is too good; it ranges from almost inaudible to ear splitting in the space of a few minutes. Happily, on most tracks this doesn’t happen.

Well, it can’t be perfect, can it?


That sounds very much like a DAC thing and not the Aurneder. 

The glass behind your speakers makes for a hard hard bounce. If you have a life partner, then good luck with that one! (It took me finally getting up an out building to get it set up for sound the way I wanted. In the house forgetaboutit)

As others have said USB cabling (and Power cord in) will help too.

Late to this party (as I was listing to tunes). Excellent example or what Agone can be. Oh happy day.




I’ve thought something like this repeatedly over the fifty years I pursued high end audio, right before upgrading something only to find it sounding much better. It’s one of the reasons this pursuit is so addictive.

Bingo! (Bango Bongo)