Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?


Showing 11 responses by ghdprentice

I have not had any luck with low end Shunyata cords. I have not extensively tested different ones. But the lower tiers were no better than stock or basic. I’m sure upper tier are great. 

Which level Shunyata USB cable? I assume not Omega… although I am sure that is impressive.

~” it sounds so good I cannot imagine it sounding better”


I’ve thought something like this repeatedly over the fifty years I pursued high end audio, right before upgrading something only to find it sounding much better. It’s one of the reasons this pursuit is so addictive.

I owned an Aurlic Aries G2 and now several Aurrender. The Aurlic was glitchy in operation and its sound quality at its price point was not up to Aurrender’s lineup. I am constantly surprised at how good Aurrender are and they continue to improve. I have read that the new Aurlic Aries G2.2 has significantly improved sound quality, but I have not heard one. 


You bring up an interesting observation. I am now listening to Bruckners 9th. Sounds great. To me the recording is doing what it should, the real symphony has a very wide dynamic range, to me it seems to be capturing that without exaggeration.

I had season tickets to the symphony for over ten years, 7th row center. And I would carefully listen to how the softest of sounds would emerge from the background ambient noise floor. Then the very loudest would nearly overload my ears. I would then go home and adjust my system to mimic it. I believe the noise floor of your listening room could be causing / contributing to the issue. If the noise floor is fairly high, then you are going to have the system cranked up higher in order to hear the very quiet sounds and consequently have it too high during the crescendos.

So, I would think it is the interplay between the ambient background noise floor in your listening area and the volume of the system. I would think the recording is correctly capturing the dynamic range of the symphony. At least on my system it sounds right.


Anyway, something to think about.


@oddiofyl +1

My Aurrender streamer weighs 46 pounds. I have listened to PCs and streamers at every level all the way to top level ones. Dedicated audio streamers sound better than PCs nearly without exception because the fact it has a processor is a minor part of the component and design effort involved in producing one. 

Sorry to hear. My rule of thumb on anything with networks / devices is… the moment you get into a problem… reboot the iPad, if this doesn’t fix it, start at the source and work forward: reboot the router, extender, and finally the streamer.

OP …”never dreamed recordings could sound this good.”


Congradulations! Amazing isn’t it! Finally we can skip the vinyl unless we feel nostalgic.


The Conductor App is very good and getting better. It is also pretty easy to use. Are you expecting to learn the app in a day? If so, no problem, then spend an hour reading instructions on how it works. In the world of software it is very simple… but you need to understand the basics. To get great sound quality out of a streamer you need to use the native software and not something like apple play. Your streamer will sound even better over time and the Conductor app will become second nature like driving a car.


Also, check out the hundreds of internet radio stations.