No clipping but it’s overdone. Unnecessary for classical.
Showing 33 responses by audphile1
@dxbwineguy haven’t heard N150 If you don’t use Roon, look for a used N10, it should be around $4k. N10 is a predecessor of N20 and should be excellent. |
@aldnorab i have it on a solidsteel amp stand check my system page |
@rvpiano I’m listening to the 9th again, streaming from Qobuz. Aurender N200 via Audience StudioOne USB to Bricasti M3 that feeds Boulder 866 integrated via Nordost Tyr 2 XLR. Bricasti does an amazing job with this recording. |
I’ve not compared too many DACs…but here’s the list in order of ranking: Bricasti M3 PS Audio DirectSream Digital MkI Chord Hugo TT2 Benchmark DAC 3 HGC Bryston BDA-3.14 Bryston BDA-3 Chord Qutest Mytek Brooklyn 2 The Bricasti M3 is simply a fantastic DAC. I’m making a full circle back to it now. |
@oddiofyl I compared the preamp in the M3 to Pass Labs XP-12 and XP-22. The M3 direct to amp is very transparent but not harsh. The only area where it lacks slightly is the soundstage depth and layering. This is where a dedicated preamp comes in. |
@rvpiano stay with what sounds best to you. If you don’t hear anything that bothers you, just enjoy the music. |
I used to have Auralic Aries G1. Never compared it with Aurender though but compared it with Lumin U1 Mini. |
@rvpiano when does the new USB cable arrive? |
@rvpiano were you using stock usb cable? |
Yeah the stock usb is decent. I have been using AQ Diamond and just tried Audience StudioOne. I’m a big fan of Audience cables but the AQ Diamond is excellent as well. In case Shunyata doesn’t work out, some alternatives… Keep the streamer queue on repeat 24/7 and your news usb cable will be ready to go in about 10 days |
@rvpiano what’s it sound like? What are the differences between it and stock cable? |
There will be some differences and improvements right out of the gate but it really takes at least few days to start appreciating everything thar the new component or cable has to offer. That’s why a quick A/B never works. |
@rvpiano that’s funny…I’m in the same boat doing the integrated amplifier shootout. Good you were able to get out of that mode. I’m making enjoying the music part of the amp shootout. It’s one of the criteria for me - how engaging it is. Easier said than done once you’ve got the analytical hat on. Nit impossible though |
@rvpiano 👍 keep cooking it. I would also disconnect and remove the coax if you’re not using it. Eliminate the unnecessary connection and cable - reduce the chances of EMI and RFi creeping in. |
Minus tick, pops, noisy dead wax and getting up every 15min to flip a record then rush back to the chair to manage to sit back down in time to hear the first notes played. I sold my fairly decent analog setup (MoFi UltraDeck, Hana ML, Sutherland 20/20 MkII with LPS) to focus on digital playback and stop the arms race between analog and digital. With Aurender N200 and a good DAC, I fee vinyl becomes nothing but a throwback. |
@rvpiano one of the best USB cables I have tried is Audience StudioOne. Another is AudioQuest Diamond. |
To add…I throw the stock Aurender USB cable into the mix every once in a while. I’ve done it enough times and listened to it long enough each time to eliminate confirmation bias. The AQ Diamond is a better cable. And so is the Audience. Of course all system dependent but I just don’t see how in the context of your system it would fail to impress. |
@rvpiano You need A-B. |
@lalitk @mclinnguy thanks for the recommendation. |
@rvpiano check TMR periodically. They have used and demo Audience cables pretty frequently. |
@lalitk Definitely will give it a try. Had a bit of a chaotic couple of months with selling separates, getting integrated amps and doing a shootout, changing DACs. Settling down gradually. It will be a few months before I get to USB though. Don’t want to make any cable changes until I settle on the next DAC. |
@rvpiano If you still want to try a good USB cable and not pay a ton of money for it, DH Labs Mirage is very good. Upscale carries the line so that’s a risk free trial with their return policy. I used this cable and liked it. It’s worth comparing to stock USB to see if you like it better. DH Labs cables are great value for the money.
@rvpiano 👍 |
@rvpiano what works for me is few days of relaxed listening using one cable. Make mental notes. Let it sink in. Then switch cables and do few more days of listening to the same tracks. It’s never a good idea to do a quick a/b. It’s a sure way of making a mistake. |