Solid state amps that sounds like tubes... May I suggest this:

Parroting the caption in the picture, these finned beasts resembling the Borg's spaceship from Star Trek, these really have that warmth and glow from within sound that tube gear posses. Be sure to use a tree-trunk thick power cord on this amp so it sounds its best; I use a pair of Shunyata Anaconda Zitron HC power cords. These cords gives the amp some oomph, a bit snappier bass, and better transient pop.
Those Aleph 1.2s are not the newest amps on the block. For something a bit newer, may I suggest this:

This is Nelson Pass's previous generation of Class A amps in the XA-200.5. These were succeeded by the ".8" generation of amps. These ".5" amps have greater midrange warmth. That was traded in the ".8" amps for improved air, better higher frequency response, and overall just a bit more resolving. I have both sets of amps - the 1.2s and 200.5s..
Lastly, I'm going to do a shameless plug form myself... I also have very nice pair of XA-100.5 amps. As for why I have 2 sets of XA amps, when Mark @ Reno Hifi was retiring and getting out of the audio retail game, he was selling his personal pair of XA-200.5 amps. On complete impulse, I bought his 150 lb room heaters when I already had the XA-100.5s doing regular hifi and room heating duties.
To all, have a prosperous and a Happy New Year!