Agree with what @knotscott has posted here. I have some possibly unique additional input.
My favorite speakers are Scientific Fidelity Teslas (I also own Von Schweikert, PSB, Maggneplanar, and B&W, and I’ve heard several others in my listening space). But the Teslas date from the late 1980s, and I’ve had to have the 6.5 inch mid-woofers rebuilt by Millersound. The tweeters are aluminum dome by Vifa that employ waveguides.
Since I had to mess around with the other drivers, I consulted with some knowledgable folks I trust, and acquired a pair of Seas textile dome tweeters that closely matched the Vifas w/r/t crossover point, efficiency and frequency response to see if the Teslas might sound even better so equipped. (The only issue I had with the Vifas was a slight stridency in the high midrange: certain female voices and a part of the violin’s range was a bit harsh to my ears.)
Well, as @knotscott put it, the textile dome was "less revealing," and maybe a little less strident...but also less exciting, and instrumental timbre seemed to me slightly less accurate. Of course, that’s just comparing two specific incarnations of aluminum vs. textile dome tweeters. I wouldn’t claim this observation must apply to all such comparisons that are possible. Still, it’s a direct comparison of these two technologies in the very same speaker, matched as closely as possible.
BTW, although I’ve never had problems with the Vifa aluminum domes, they were as old as the speakers, and ferro fluid filled (which can degrade over time), so when I found an unused pair for sale on eBay with a more recent date code, I snatched them up and installed them. The Teslas sound like new now.