@lewm It is not DC… by definition is like a sine wave or really more like a wavelet that is at a period of 33.3/60 of a second.
However it is maybe not a 1/2 Hz sinewave, more likely it is a flat line, with a heart beat that is happening over a just a fraction of the 360 circle.
So maybe it is a 5 or10 Hz thing that happens “at a rate or period” that is 33x/minute.
If it was DC the cone would be pushed out, but the cone was “pumping” and that is a verb or action word that describes something that is not steady-state… and not what a blocking cap or servo is designed to control… assuming that they are used for steady-state control.
…. So, I am dubious that DC generated somehow from the cartridge is causing the problem. But it did occur to me today that maybe the servo in the OP’s preamp is defective when operating in balanced mode. All bets are off.
The thing is perfectly synced to the platter, and the signal has to be coming from the cart, or has to be coming from the ground.
There is no other way the phone stage etc can make the speaker pump perfectly in sync with the platter.
Maybe it could be an intermittent DC shift on the ground, but the “no vinyl” “No mat” discounts that. And a servo will not remove it.
it is a conundrum.