So ordered some subs and am going to mess around with some different drivers and OBs

Got a pair of SVS 3000s on the way and plan on just trying out a bunch of different full range drivers probably installed in a make shift OB configuration of some sort. I have heard some of the short comings and don't understand most. I'm over the pursuit of perfection, done searching, all about fun now. I just want to screw around and try to listen to good sounding inexpensive gear (relatively of course) and have the opportunity to try some different things without taking out a second mortgage.
Current system (just mega down graded)
Prasound A21
Mytek Brooklyn out to both Parasound (XLR) and dual SVS (RCA)
Audio Nirvana Drivers in some $7000 Tannoy Boxes 
I need a Tannoy Tech (Ive tried Music Tribe etc.) 
ATA phono pre and a VPI prime with a really nice AT something or other on it.

Does anyone have any experience playing around with drivers and subs that dont require crossovers?
You want 4. Placed asymmetrically around the room. The Swarm will be cheaper and better with a lot more flexibility but you already have some coming to play with so might as well make it productive play time.
Also that Node2. that thing rocks for the money. Sit around, push buttons and listen to MQA etc.