So many YouTube clips to evaluate sound quality. Why???

There are several audio gear Youtubers chronically playing clips displaying speakers and amplifiers and even cables to have YouTube listeners evaluate sound quality.  And then they go to shows and display music clips from the very small Hotel rooms.  And yes I watch a few and some can be interesting. It's gotta be tough for these manufactures to go to these hotels all the time and deal with all the people. Basically, it's a mixture of all kinds of higher end components and somehow it's possible to appreciate what individual components sound like. $200,000 speakers surrounded by lots of other high-priced gear. How does one charge anything?

Are they trying to fool people with sound comparison music clips? What is the point and why are they wasting their time?  Maybe headphones might detect something.  I fail to appreciate why these individuals do this, and why do they dedicate so much time to this.  Are they being paid to promote speakers and amplifiers?  And then reading the comments where all these people seem to really believe they hear differences.

Time might be better spent explaining technical merits of the gear and opinions on how it sounds. And why their recommended gear is so expensive.  



Showing 1 response by moonwatcher

@bruce19 your post is what audio formats YouTube accepts, not what it actually provides on the viewer end. It takes your source files and transcodes them to whatever lossy codec they use as part of H.264 or VP9 video encoding. Knowing they accept lossy files to begin with doesn't exactly inspire confidence. LOL. 

In general I take any so-called sound samples done by YouTubers with a HUGE grain of salt. We have no way of knowing all the variables and there are many. What mics are being used, what preamps, how were the mics spaced and oriented (ORTF, XY, etc.), what the room was like, how loud were the speakers being played, etc., ad infinitum ad nauseum. 

I have listened to such samples though just for fun and have used them to discover good albums such as 
Grace Mahya - Last Live At Dug. 

Sometimes YouTubers will make lossless downloads available for you to listen to via headphones so you aren't listening to two rooms at one time.  Even then the variables are too many to make a valid comparison, but hey, they can still be fun. No harm in a bit of fun. 

Currently GR Research and New Record Day are going this route with some songs done 3 different ways (assume 3 different speaker setups maybe?) and want to get feedback from viewers as to what they heard and why they prefer one over the other. Interesting.