SME release new Garrard 301

Price is 12,500GBP (c.$16500)

Showing 1 response by glennewdick

I think from all I have read now and coming late to the conversation. I believe the table you see in the Stereophile and others sites is a Loricraft table with all the updates they do. Also if you read the new letter on SME's site they say and  they are talking about Loricraft in the previous sentence.  

“With years of experience and expert knowledge that will be crucial as SME develops the Garrard audio brand, the acquisition of Loricraft Audio was essential, as it enables the continued ability to service and maintain existing products.” added McNeilis. “We are delighted that Terry and his team will join the SME family and bring their vast experience with them.”

Develops the Garrard Audio Brand. I think that's a key statement obviously they have plans to expand and upgrade so lets wait and see. 

I'm just happy my 301 grease bearing just went up in price on the used market. well here's me hoping anyway. 

full letter here.