SME 20/2 Tonearm Ground Wire: Where in the table should be connected?

Dear Community,

I just purchased my first turntable, an SME 20/2 with the SME IV VI tonearm. For the cartridge I went with the AMG Teatro cartridge (I couldn't digest the idea of buying a more expensive one, at least not yet). Since I don't know much about this turntable and I couldn't find (neither online and/ or user manuals) information or instructions about where the tonearm ground wire connector should be plugged in the in table end: Please if any one of you remember where the SME 20/2 IV VI tonearm ground wire should be plugged in on the table end? I'm referring to the OEM cable which come with the table: There is a DIN connector and the ground wire one. For the DIN is very straight forward because there is a plug-in for it; but for the ground wire: I couldn't find the right place. Please any instructions, suggestions, pictures and recommendations will be much appreciated.  




The ground wire at the RCA end should be connected at the grounding post on your phonostage.

I’m not sure if they will help you, though. The SME cables that came with my arms have two ground wires. The one that leaves the bundle near the plug that goes into the base of the tonearm is to be connected to a ground on your pre-amp. The other ground wire, that leaves the bundle close to the RCA plugs is connected to a ground on your phono stage. If you don’t have a separate phono stage you have to experiment with connecting one, or the other, or both to the ground on the pre-amp, and go with whichever option doesn’t cause any hum.

If you have both of those ground wires connected you should not connect a ground wire to any ground terminal on the turntable, if present, as this will cause a ground loop and humming.