SL-1200 G Power cable

On hooking up my new Technics SL-1200G I started out plugging in a nice new DHLabs 1-meter power cable and then found out it wasn’t getting any juice. I guessed contact wasn’t being made with that awkward plug port so I just plugged in the stock cord and all was well. The smaller plug did the trick and all seems great, but is it worth fooling with this further for just a TT? It’s plugged into a Niagara 1200 so how much do I need to worry about radiation to or from this cable?  It’s all about the stupid plug size.  Sorry about this stupid question!


@howardlee,  you are correct, it is the lower cost models that have connections on the back of the plinth now.  The SL1200G hasn’t changed their location. 

I also have the Shunyata extender and used my ZU Even Power cable. The only reason was to keep the Zu Cable "active" until I purchased a new component. The TT speed was fine with no added noise with the stock cable. I just purchased a new DAC and the ZU Cable went there. I'm back to the Technics cord. I left the Shunyata extender in place in case I ever purchase another Power cable upgrade.