Single ended speaker cables or Shot gun config?

I would like to hear the opinions from the forum regarding using a high-end single ended speaker to my speakers and then use two of that companies matching jumpers. My speakers have three speaker terminals, bass, mid and highs. They came with bridging straps but I prefer proper jumpers. So that is option one. Option 2 is to buy the same company's speaker cable but in a shot gun formation at the speaker end. So single ended at the amp end and then has two red cables and two black at the speaker end. In this formation I would still need one set of jumpers.

What do you guys recommend in my situation. I sort of fee if I go the shot gun bi wire config I'm splitting the cables in two at the speaker end as opposed to running one solid speaker cable to one of the terminals and using matching jumpers.


Thanks in advance 


Showing 2 responses by audioman58

The bsss is not as critical o the ear  as the mids and highs use like a Kimber 8 or 12 TC or a Wireworld equanox for bass both are Litz cables the wire world a bit better.  and the better for the top mids and highs .

Audiophile1 I never said Bass was not important ,just not as critical to the ear more forgiving ,the ear is most sensitive to the highs and 75% of music goes through the most critical  Midrange.thats where more $$ goes into the speaker cable 

I owned an Audiostore over a decade,and we did tons of experiments Always put your better loudspeaker cable  for mids,  highs,lesser quality Big gauge for bass 

the Kimber 8TC or 12 Tc great bang for the buck for bass.