single ended cable crossed at bi wireable speaker?

Hi! I'm completely new here, and I don't mean to reopen the bi-wiring can of worms. I just have one specific question. Today while researching about bi wiring and assessing whether I should re terminate my AQ Rockefellers, I came across an arrangement I had never seen before. Its on the last part of this pdf:

basically you use your speaker single ended wire as you'd usually do at the amp end but you plug the red terminal to the HF and the black end to the LF at the speaker end. Leave the jumper plates on. I tried this on my system today. The bass became less forceful without loosing definition or extension. I gained much more air in the tweeter and more presence and clarity in the mids. The soudstage became initially too wide and slightly confused but now I've gotten used to it and it seems more spacious.

Has anyone experimented with this arrangement? how about the opposite at the speaker end? additionally, has anyone tried the audioquest bi wireable speaker cable? I'm slightly worried that on the website it claims that the geometry favors punch on the LF speaker end without "ultimate resolution" which is something I don't necessarily want for the bass.

(I kind of miss the punch of the bass with the previous arrangement but the hi hat and ride cymbal now flies high in my room :) compromises, you know.


Showing 6 responses by douglas_schroeder

Stringreen, I believe the effect you are hearing is the splitting of conductors into two groupings rather than all dedicated for one set of inputs. IOW, total gauge matters significantly.

Want to have some fun? On a speaker with a single set of posts double up the cables. Yes, use two complete sets. Just make sure you have all connections absolutely parallel! You will be shocked at the difference in sound that additional total gauge makes.

There are some interesting tricks one can do with jumpers and cables, however I believe double cable bi-wiring (using two complete sets per single set of binding posts) would best them all.
Audiopanda, it seems you may have an ideal situation! If your cables are long enough to get double runs if cut, simply send them to the mfgr. to do the job. Most cable makers will do such work for an agreed upon/set fee. It's WELL worth it as opposed to buying additional cables! And, if the cable maker does the work you are satisfied it's done cleanly. Perfect!

It can be a real PITA to work with the conductors yourself. One of the first times I obtained a brand name speaker cable was about 20 years ago, and it was a pair of very long Audioquest speaker cables. With fear and trepidation I cut them in half and finished the ends. I didn't reterminate them, but had to strip all the small conductors - 96 total between four unfinished ends - and twist them together. My hands were sore from all of it, but it was well worth it! If you do so you will have a harder time selling the cables as they are not reterminated, but you also might have a second rig to put them in down the road. :)

Wig, hey, shoot me an email. Yes, double cables is a glorious thing, is it not? :)
Nonise, I'm not surprised by that at all; I use a tri-wire setup with three physically separate pairs of Clarity Cables with the Legacy Whisper DSW, both of which I reviewed for
Nonoise, some interesting thoughts. I doubt that our use of speaker cables will catch on. The bulk (as in cable!) of listeners simply do not care how many or how vetted cables are used on systems. Most just want something better than stock factory supplied or Radio Shack stuff. BTW, you may get a kick out of my review of the Radio Shack braided speaker wire that some say is good; my conclusion a big YUCK! You can find the review at; I don't seem to be allowed to post links on this site.

Anyway, what I would do ideally if I could physically fit them onto the posts of the amps would be to use six sets of speaker cables; double up by parallel runs all three sets of posts on the speakers. This sounds insane, I know, but the method is efficacious for any number of sets of posts. When I use the Kingsound King Tower, an omnidirectional speaker with two sets of posts, I have four complete sets of cables, 4 runs to each speaker, and the results transform the performance of the speaker. When ultimate sound quality with the gear you have is your goal you have to get extreme and lay out some money at whatever level you are at.

I had tried some mix and match double spkr cable tests but concluded that it prevents hearing the native sound of the cables, which in turn does not allow for direct movement toward or away from a particular cable in one's system. So, I have stayed with identical pairings since.

I would not have known all this had I not been reviewing and had I not reviewed the Legacy Audio Helix and Whisper models, which require three sets of cables. I would not have intuitively spent the money on extra sets to try with other speakers like the King Tower. But since I had them on hand I did, and WOW! what a difference they make when doubled up! Some people will discount my comments simply because I am reviewing. So be it.

Finally, I am so busy developing rigs and writing that I do not spend a lot of time looking at other reviewers' rigs. Pretty much everything they hear I have heard at shows, so I do not need to depend upon their opinions. It is likely the same for them. Reviewers I have met at shows are clueless what I am doing, and vice versa. It's common to start conversation with, "What system are you running..." It's only natural as we are engulfed in a myriad of other relations and activities in writing.

I thought I would explain the situation a bit as it would sound odd if I just said I don't pay attention to their rigs. :)
Audiopanda, my experience has been that jumpers of any sort are inferior to double sets of cables in parallel.
Audiopanda, all frequencies are influenced, not only bass. The only way this would perhaps be a problem is if the cables emphasize the bass in the first place. Then going to two pair would give more of that effect. Usually if you like what the cable is doing then doubling will give you more of what you like.

So, if you do not want ANY more bass at all than what you have now, the answer is yes, you will get more bass presence. But you should also get more Mid/Treble too, and more clarity, and more 3-D soundstage, etc.

I would assume that running two pair you will have the same bump in the 40Hz region, only the bump will be more beautiful sounding. I'm only half-joking. :)