Simplifi Audio - DSpeaker 2.0 ultra power supply

Simplifi audio has been the absolute worst audio dealer I've ever dealt with. I bought the $500 power supply for the Dspeaker 2.0 seven months ago - still haven't received it - and he's refused to respond to any calls or emails. Working with paypal to try to get a refund - but he doesn't respond to them either - so taking forever.

I should have known better - had a lousy experience buying the DSpeaker from him as well - took 3 months, but at least I finally got it.

Everyone says what a nice guy Tim is in person - and I'm sure he is - but this is a terrible way to run a business. Stay away from buying from him. Know lots of friends that gave had the same experience.

Anyone else having same issues with them?
That's a shame. All I can say is contact the manufacturer in Sweden and let them know the details of your experience.
In past threads I have made excuses for Tim only because the Dual Core 2.0 was a big hit and production was low. Dspeaker should be able to handle demand by now, but to not have an accessory that is exclusive to Simplifi is inexcusable!
Contact Dspeaker with your complaint and perhaps add links to other complaint threads.
When PP gets your money back to you order an Astron SL 11A linear power supply for about a 75% discount to the cost of Simplifi's linear PS. You'll be very satisfied with one.

Is that a drop in replacement? In other words does it have the correct input that goes into the DSPeaker?
Where do you recommend to purchase it from?
The Astron SL 11A is a 13.8vdc linear power supply. The Dual Core can handle up to a 15vdc input. I know this because I emailed Dspeaker and asked what the max input was.

On the back of the SL 11A there are a pair of binding posts one red(+) and one black(-).

You will need to take wall wort to Radio Shack and match up the plug size (can't remember the size at the moment), buy some 18g wire, crimp connectors, and a digital multimeter, all together about $30.00.

On the plug there will be 2 wire leads.

Strip the wire ends and crimp them to the plug wire leads.

Connect the opposite ends to the binding posts on the SL 11A.

DO NOT plug the cable into the Dual Core yet!

Plug the SL 11A into the wall, turn on the multimeter, take the red probe and put it in the center hole of the plug, take the black probe and touch it to the side of the plug.

If the meter reads 13.8vdc then you are in business.

If the meter reads -13.8vdc or 0 then swap the wires on the binding posts.

You should get a positive reading.

Put the plug into the Dual Core and enjoy a huge improvement in sound quality.

Search for Astron and call their customer service, they will give you a number for the dealer in your area or try Ebay.

IIRC you also tried battery power to your Dual Core. Do you prefer the Astron? How do they differ in their impact on the Dual Core sound?
@Ozzy, yes $100.00 new is a good price, I was including shipping in my estimate price.

@Roscoeiii, Yes I was using the battery supply you mentioned. I bought an Astron for a TBI MG3 amp and the improvement over the battery was substantial, so I thought to try one on my Dual Core. IIRC you are using your Dual Core as a preamp also? The improvement was substantial on the D/C with a wider and deeper sound stage, more detail, blacker background, crazy good dynamics, and much better decay of the notes. The difference is night and day!
As always the standard disclaimer YMMV.
If these things had "Audiophile" stamped on them they would be $500.00.
The SL 11A is designed to be used for Ham Radios, but can power anything within their vdc range.
Hope this helps,
Rodge827, I received the SL 11A, it came the next day!
I hooked it up and started using it this morning. By the way, it was $99.99 including shipping and paypal fees from DX Engineering in Ohio.
Yes it does have a large transformer!
I recently took over my daughters bedroom as my listening room, with no dedicated outlet in that room yet.. When I would dim the lights on the ceiling fan there would be a buzzing through the speakers. After I hooked up the 11A the buzzing stopped.
Fantastic for 12vdc gear!
Do tell what you hear.
Rodge827, Its going to be hard to tell, for I am using the DSPeaker only on my subs. I assume that like all power supplies it will probably take time for the electronics to break in. But based on what I see inside of this thing it was a very good buy.
Give it a little time and put the wall wort back in and do a comparison. For sub only there might not be all that much difference. I use mine as a dac, room correction, equalizer, and preamp. Adding the Astron made a big difference across the board. As always YMMV.
Rodge827, I performed some modification to the Astron power supply.
I like the fact that it has a detachable IEC but it is so close to the spade/banana terminals that only the cheapo power cord it came with could be used.
So,I removed the spade/banana terminals and soldered a 12V quick disconnect plug using only the top hole for connection.
Now, I am able to experiment with better after market power cords. I also put one of the WA Quantum fuse stickers on the fuse.
Just wanted to say I just bought the Dual Core from Underwood HiFi but Tim has been helping me with advanced calibrations and performing room response readings , numerous emails and phone calls. I believe he is now or soon to be offering free consulting. You send him your results and he gives recommendations. He knows everything there is to know about the dual core. Things the average person, at least me would never figure out through the directions. He is going to try and have Dspeaker put out a video on advanced operation of the dual core it is really capable of so much. The new power supply is only coming out possibly this week. I know he is going to Munich this week. Anyway , I certainly believe your problems but I have only positive things to say and very happy with the dual core's performance for room correction and preamp.
Tim helped me extensively back in the fall of 2012. At that time he was learning about the many different and amazing things that the Dual Core can do, and passed on what he found out to me. I use my Dual Core as a full on dac,preamp, and room correction device. At first I thought it sounded hard with the wall wort ps, so I put it on a battery ps and the improvement was very noticeable. A couple of months ago I purchased an Astron SL 11A and it took the Dual Core into another league! It ran me $114.00 delivered to NJ, and all you have to do is make a simple DC power cord.

Tim has been talking for some time about Youtube tutorials for the Dual Core, I guess we'll have to wait and see....
Guys, I just bought the Astron power supply. I was wondering if you are leaving it powered up or shutting it down after listening.
I read the posts above about using the Astron SL-11A with a Dual Core 2.0 and decided to order an Astron power supply. However, because the Dual Core 2.0 is powered at 500ma I decided to order a Astron RS-4A which is 4 amps. They can be found online less expensive that the SL-11A. Just a heads up.
I leave mine powered on all the time also.
Would the Astron be considered digital or analog?
I like to keep them separate.
@Islandman2000-I had a conversation a while back with a guy who repairs Astrons and he told me to look at 7A or higher, apparently the build quality is better and the transformer is beefier.

@Ozzy-The Astron is analog, that powers a digital device, Dual Core 2.0
as an alternative to the excellent instructions Rodge827 provided, you could pick up a Philmore TC218 DC Coax Plug, which is already terminated with the necessary 2.1mm plug and has a nice 18awg pigtail (most of these are much smaller). terminate with your preferred bananas and you're all set.
I bought a used Astron RS-4A 13.8 VDC 4 Amp Power Supply off Ebay for 25.00. Before I did I emailed Toni at Dspeaker to ask about it. His opinion was more power than needed, but perfectly fine to use. A ham radio operator friend of mine said the Astron brand was highly regarded because of it's clean power, and reliability. It was one of the more respected ones he said.

Once I installed the Astron I can honestly say I heard an immediately improvement. Bass had more definition and punch. Midrange had some extra clarity that was noticeable. The unit just came more "alive". I am thinking when I heard this "why in the world would Dspeaker use this cheaper wall wart when using a good linear power supply like this makes the unit sound like it just increased in price!" I listened to the DC with this power supply daily for about 6 weeks before switching back to the "switching" power supply that came with it. The difference in sound to the negative was instant. There was so much of a difference that I emailed Toni at Dspeaker again to suggest that Dspeaker needs to either upgrade the power supply, or raise the price and include an external linear power supply. After all, why hold back on the power supply if it makes the Dspeaker sound that much better?

I have heard of people paying of upwards to 500.00 for a power supply for the DC. IMHO, I am just not sure how much more of a difference it would make, and I am not willing to shell out 500.00 to find out until I read about a side by side comparison. I am thinking that the improvement is such that Astrons are all you need.
Quick question.
Will the Aston SL-11A also provide improvement to the Anti-Mode 8033 Cinema model?
Thank you.
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Just got mine today...

Did anyone find they needed to re-run room correction once the PS was changed?  I find the Astron makes the unit more dynamic and robust but that the bass seems a little thicker now.

Wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this.  I can easily re-run calibration if need be.

Follow-up to steakster's post...

He is ABSOLUTELY right about setting the voltage to 12V.  The DSPeaker sounds much worse being fed 13.8V.  On my system (PS Audio BHK, DSD, Memory Player, Sonus Liutos) the soundstage collapses at 13.8V.  I couldn't figure out why it sounded cleaner with the Astron but was fuller and wider with the wall wart.  The wall wart provided by DSPeaker output 12.1V so that's what I set the Astron to.

Again, BIG difference and thanks to steakster.