Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables?

hi, does anyone know of other brands interconnects and speakers cables that have a house sound that's similar to MIT cables? but without those MIT network box? MIT cables sound relax, a tad laid back, yet clear and no veil/curtain between performance and listener, dynamic are natural without harshness.

Thanks for any replies.



Showing 1 response by don_c55

If you want relaxed, laid back (?), clear, dynamic, natural without harshness, I recommend older CARDAS designed around 2000. They take a long time (100+ hours) to break in, but in the end sound great IMO. They were tuned in and designed on Magnepan speakers. I have owned the 6 foot maggies for 40 years FYI.

Cardas Golden Cross speaker

Cardas Cross

For a slightly more neutral sound try Burley Wire cables from Reno Hi-Fi. They are made by a guy that works for Pass Labs and are cheaper (two 8 foot lengths $695). Unknown but great. No break in needed.