Simaudio 390 Network Streamer | DAC | Preamp

I have not demoed this unit yet but it as a feature set that is off the charts (no DSP). Though the abundance of features concerns me as being too much of a good thing (maybe too much noise). I spoke to a dealer about the 390. He said that you need to step up to a DAC 2x the cost to notice improvements in sound.  ($5,300)

So I wanted to ask here for people who have demoed | owned | shootout this unit. Ignoring the feature set, what did you think of the sound? What do you like better under $10K?

I have read a lot of the reviews and I get the sense that it is a very good product but I do not see it being paired with an excellent amp. I am considering pairing this with a Luxman m900u amp. What amps did you pair the 390 with?

I am also considering the Luxman c900u preamp, the Benchmark LA4 preamp, and the Mola Mola Makua w/DAC. Though for the current system I am building I realize I do not need to go crazy because it is in my home office and not critical listening.

Showing 1 response by peterclemens83

Why not consider the Moon 330a or the 400m monoblocks? 

I love my Moon. Next step for me is a 390 with a 330a.