Silver cables

I am interested in purchasing silver rca cables with a budget of around $100.00-$200.00 for the pair. I have not seen many pure silver cables in that range with the exception of some offerings from Soundsilver and Darwin's original cables, but Darwin's have jumped quite a bit in price recently. Any suggestions, or any experiences with Soundsilver's offerings or any other silver cables in my price range . All suggestions/critiques will be greatly appreciated.

Showing 7 responses by nonoise

According to Tempo Electrics' website, 4 nines silver it about the best you can get unless you work for NASA and have deep pockets. They go on to state that it's the softness of the silver, not the purity, that matters.

As for me, I just ordered 8' of 16 gauge pure silver cables for under $380. They've been using the same source for some time now, here in the good old USA.

All the best,
Sonic is right. I've just ordered some silver speaker wires from Tempo Electric and they have the most reasonable prices I've encountered. An 8' pair set me back about $380 which is almost double your limit but considerably less than what others charge. In fact, they're only a touch above spot prices so I don't know how they make any real money on them. They seem to make them for the love of audio.

All the best,
I just looked and yes, it's gone. No matter as mine are comiing next week and if I like them enough, I'll say so, in detail, as always, as is my wont.

All the best,
Strike my previous post. The thread I started by asking about Tempo Electric cables is still there but while at work I could not find it (and I looked closely) and now at home it's there. Probably a glitch.
Sonic_genius, not to argue but the point that Tempo Electric makes is that after 4 nines, it doesn't really matter since it's the softness of the silver that matters.

I used to work for a bank that dealt in metals as tradable commodities and 3-5 nines silver was about as pure as you could get. In fact, 4 nines was about as pure as any metal traded at the time. I remember taking Canadian Maple Leafs and making them stick together with little, if any pressure. Try that with a Krugerrand (too much copper).

Metallurgy has made advances but when it comes to audio, copper and silver as conductors has been used for quite some time with great results. The softer the metal, the less chance of fractures, hence better signal purity.

Time will tell next week when I get my speaker cables from Tempo Electric.

All the best,
Well, I've finally broken in my Tempo Electric silver speaker cables and yes, they are da bomb. My Mapleshades have been supplanted (they put up a good fight) but when there is a clear winner the title has to be passed.

The performance increase is on the level of the Darwins Sivler ICs I have. It took a while for them to break in but I had no idea just how big an improvement they'd be. In a few hours my review of them should post under 'cable reviews' so feel free to check them out.

It only goes to show that you don't have to spend big bucks to get big results.

All the best,
Isochronism, I wish I was as fortunate as you to have discovered these gems at the beginning of all of this. I haven't heard everything out there but I truly don't believe you're missing anything.

Happy? Yes. Enjoy? Most certainly.

All the best,