Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...

Hi, I have a few Shunyata CX powercords (anaconda cx and king cobra cx). Has anyone done a detailed comparison? What are your thoughts as to the differences?

I did just replace my Hydra vray II with a Hydra Triton, and that was a nice improvement, in clarity, naturalness, ease and dynamics. It was one of those upgrades that once it goes in...wasn't even worth going back to compare...

Thanks in advance
If you know the business end of a screw driver from the handle all one needs to do is purchase a hand full of IEC, standard duplex, and plastic service boxes. Making up a group of plug-in boxes so that you can (safely) connect your power cords one-after-the-other (like a long extension cord) and then plug one cord into the mains and a refrigerator on the receiving end and forget about it for several weeks... Painlessly effective.
I had the Cx power cables, and now have Ztron power cables. When first trying the Cxs the burn in time was ridiculous so after reading others comments I called and talked to Grant at Shunyata. He recommended pre burning with fan or air conditioner, ect. From then on when I bought more PCs I ran them from 3 to 4 weeks before trying them. That got them 90% to 95% burned in taking all of the torture out of the process. I have compared a Cardas Clear and and a Valhalla1 vs these Shunyata PCs and preferred the Shunyatas. Happy listening
I found both the great sounding Shunyata Ztron and Python CX power cords to not only be rich and dynamic, but to lean toward smooth and warm - while maintaining their great soundstage, dynamics and openess. To me, in my system, the Python CX surprisingly sounded a touch more alive, rich, and musical than the ZTron.
Shunyata Zytron $1,500.00 VS Audio Sensibility Statement $500.00 power cords

You are in for a big surprise.
You should google "Shunyata Zitron Burn in" and read the results. I own several Anacondas and they all required 300 to 500 hours to fully settle. Using fan to accelerate burn in is a good idea. You should also shift from burn in discs, to music, to fan, etc. What you describe is typical. Be prepared for a roller coaster ride of varying sound for a while. The good news is that, if you are patient, you will soon be enjoying the best power cord on the planet, IMHO.
My initial impression of Anaconda Zitron (1st 10 hrs), is a bit edgy and irritsting, is it normal? Any audiophile can share the sound variation before tunin?? Thanks.
I got Anaconda Zitron 20A brand new for my Triton, and I plug cdp, pre & pow to it. So, how many hrs needed for Anaconda Zitron 20A to burn in fully?? 300? 500??
I only use Venon HC from Triton to wall socket. I plug all my 3 gears (cdp, pre & pow) into Triton.

I have a Triton and it took several weeks of normal use to fully break in. If you want to accelerate the process, hook a fan up to the unit and leave it on between music listening sessions. Shunyata also recommends turning the whole system off for a few hours here and there during the break in period. I you do both of these things, you should be in business in about 7 days or so.

Jrfech, Please report on the Typhon once it's sea worthy.
yeah ...I'd expect you're about 1/2 through it right now....did you also get a zitron cable to go with? That might take a bit longer...

I am breaking in a Typhon right go with my Triton
Hi, All,

How many burn-in hours for Triton? I got it brand new and already burnt for around 100hrs. The sound starts from soft and smooth but now analytical and edgy and non-musical!! Is it normal?

Has anyone compared the Hydra Zitron with the Synergistic Research Powercell 10 SE Mk II? I'm considering replacing my some of my 6-year old transparent conditioners.
The chorus of experience!
I'm on the side of mix 'n match. Cobra on most components, but an older model, like originals Python and KCs on a digital front end can bring the best of both. Digital front ends need quieting down, and that compound they had makes the line they're now running (z-trons) sound even quieter. I'd say it also firms up the image focus, too.
This "neutrality" thing is aces, but sometimes "neutral" means "grey" or pearly-white. I don't know this is true, but some people will trade resolution for "weight." I saw a point TAS writer made, Jonthan Valin by name. Resolution and tone color didn't always go hand-in-hand. So, you can get neutral and lose warmth/richness or whatever you may. If the goal is neutral, what is music? Neutral? I don't think Boston's hall is neutral: it's really, really warm - sounding. So aren't we talking about the halls we hear music in as much as the components? I'd love to hear the Musikverein before I leave this planet - and the chances are good I will.
Anyway, I like the first line of the Shunyata power cords. Second line, eh. Third line, better. 4th line, great. Fifth line, great too, but measurement-oriented and we all know music don't follow measurements. The fifth line is real good, but it doesn't have focus like the first line, and less weight to the sound. Me, I'd stick with a mix or first Shunyatas , maybe on the conditioner and the digital pieces, and the rest Python and the others.
My dealer had suggested I tried a Siltech power cable for my amp while the rest of the system is fed with Shunyata cables. He said that the Siltech provides speed and coherence and that it was a very good match with the other Shunyatra cables. I received the new cable yesterday and what I can say is WOW. Of course the cable is new so no burn-in yet but what it provides is very interesting. A bit more speed indeed but clear improvements with regards to cleaning the backstage. The background scene is cleaner, improvement in micro details is outstanding. A bit as if I had adjusted the picture sharpness if you don't mind this TV analogy. As I said in a previous post, I will probably buy a Python or Anaconda cable for the last remaining cable in my system but I thought you guys might be interested to know that using a Siltech for the amp provides that "last" edge of transparency. I do not think I would use Siltech cables for all my components (too much of a good thing I guess) as I think Shunyata is really what transforms your system. But, I'm glad my dealer made that recommendation. He's a big fan of Shunyata so that tells a lot.
Jfrech, I got a Canorus power cords latest revision and comapred them with my Anaconda and Kobra CX. If interested, please email me at
I think you'll be thrilled on the Canorous cables...I had a few of the 20th anniversary and those were hard to sell...easily up there with King Cobra CX's, I suspect you'll like some things about each and comes down to system matching...

The PAD cables will take a few weeks to settle in...just like the Shunyata's...I'll be personally curious on what you think...good luck !!
Jfrech, thank you for the info on purist. I ordered 3 purist Canorus power cords and once I get them I will A/B to see how the differ from 2 Shunyata anacondas and one kobra CX in my system.
Burning in PC's for low voltage components like transports, preamps, DAC's take forever if you put them on a low voltage source. What helps is if you rotate your new PC's to the high voltage components like amps, projectors, powerconditioners, desktop Computers etc. This way you will burn/settle them several times faster than if they are stuck on a low voltage component, burn in doesn't really get done properly then.

And it seems with active technology like in the Zitrons, you need to burn them in...
I know it must be a synergy issue in my system since my Audience "e" cord connected to my MW Sony 5400 sounds more natural, produces a quieter and deeper soundstage than my Cobra's. Who would have thought based on this new technology.
Hi, i still like the purist audio designs power cords, especially if you are not using a hydra vray 2 or a triton.

Honestly they are more similar than different (i've owned purist dominus ferox, fluid and 20th anniversary). On front end gear, especially digital, is where i made the switch...and i try and stick with one brand as much as i can.

It is likely a mistake that i haven't tried the newer purist power cords with the box in the middle...Especially an my amps...
you had and liked Purist power cables before. Can you please share how purist power cords differ from shunyata CX or ztron. Pluses. minuses...Thank you.
Wig, I do think the gauge, as least in this case, is the cause for the difference in imaging. As I have not heard your 2 cables, I can't directly comment.

But I did think the King Cobra CX and Anaconda CX threw wider stages...the zitrons are certainly deeper, as I am listening right now, the additional depth may give you a initial impression that width is smaller...when maybe it's not...just another thing to listen for ...
From my experience with non-shunyata PC's wire gauge cannot be dismissed for the high voltage tasks like amps, projectors or powerconditioners.

That is why I was curious about the wiregauge on the zitron PC's. From what I gather from webdealers the gauge is identical between the CX and Zitron range on the Anaconda(7 gauge) and Python(9 gauge) models. That means the 1k$ price increase between CX and Zitron is not related wiregauge.

What is related is the active zitron technology which does not equal more current passed through the wire, but rather higher "definition" of current passing through the wire. Atleast that is my quasi-analysis of your findings.

So if the amp, projector or powerconditioner works best with a 7 gauge anaconda the addition of zitron technology which enhances definition on a 9 gauge python might not be enough to offset the difference in wire gauge between the anaconda(7) and a python(9).

This is why I think the positioning of a 9 gauge Zitron Python against a 7 gauge Anaconda CX is not fair because the wire gauge difference cannot be dismissed on amps, projectors and powerconditioners. I would think of Zitron as a 1k$ refinement of the corresponding CX model, ie. 7 gauge Anaconda CX + 1k$ refinement = 7 gauge Anaconda Zitron.

I have *not* heard the Python Zitron...but those who have tell me the Anaconda beats it by a considerable margin, at least when it is applied to amps and power conditioners to the wall. I've decided I have to have one for my Triton. Thanks for the recommendation, Jfrech!
Hello Vhiner,

that's very interesting. Did you have the chance to evaluate a Python against the Anaconda before making your choice? I have one remaining power cable to buy (I have some Cobra and Python but no Anaconda) and I'm wondering whether the top cable is worth the additional 1000$. If anyone has some info on the subject please share your impressions. Thanks!

I'm not sure if the gauge in my Cobra Zitron PC is
sufficient because my JPS AC+ produces a wider and
deeper soundstage on my Vac tube amp.
Ok, the Anaconda Zitron power cord finally finished cooking on my Classe' Delta 2200 amplifier.

Finally, on day 10 everything came together. The sibilance, harshness and brightness I began to hear on day 5 are gone and now I have the best PC I've ever heard. Bar none. The bass is simply amazing, both in quality and scope. It hits me in the chest and moves air in the room. On the other end, micro details are coming out in ways that very much resemble what I've heard the Python IC's and SC's do. I'm listening to the Beatles' Love CD and I'm hearing things I've never heard before.
I can hear much deeper into the recording and notice room ambience and instrument timbre where I haven't before.

The differences between this and the KC and Anaconda are not subtle. I frankly thought the jump from the old Helix line to the CX's was more evolutionary than revolutionary. This Anaconda Zitron belongs in a whole other class. Bass and dynamics are at least 50 percent better. In my system, the Anaconda Zitron may be a bit less forgiving of lousy recordings than the Anaconda CX and King Cobra CX but this may be just a result of the cord being more revealing and transparent in presentation.

I keep repeating this but it's worth noting that the cord sounded quite strident, harsh and lifeless during the 120-hour break in period. So, beware of quick judgments and critical listening until it gels. I've been told those with tube amplifiers may not experience this unpleasantness but that solid-state owners like myself tend to notice it more. It was worth the wait.

Would you mind sharing what amps you're using and whether they go straight to the wall or through a conditioner? My Anaconda Zitron is going straight from my Classe' Delta 2200 to a dedicated 20 amp line. I still have a few days of burn in left to go. So far it's been a bit of a roller coaster...wish I'd had access to that wine cellar refrigerator. ;-)
Crion: >>I wonder if anyone can enlighten me on what gauge the new Zitron cables are?<<

Zitron Python power cord: 9AWG

>>I would like to confirm if they are the same as the previous CX generation or if they have moved up a notch reflected in their 1k$ priceincrease?<<

Shunyata has been known to shift or change product names across different generations. I'm not clear that matching the CX and Zitron series based on names and wire gauge alone yields comparables for their top tier power cords. Based on relative performance and price comparison, there is this:

Zitron Cobra $995 -- CX Python $1095
Zitron Python $1995 -- CX Anaconda $1995
Zitron Anaconda $2995 -- CX King Cobra $3495
hope this helps
Honestly, I can't help you on the wire guage, all I can comment on is the sound quality and differences. I'll will be curious what you think on the Anaconda CX powering your Triton or Talos...
Hi I've been following this thread with interest. Currently I'm running a Triton(frontend+active speakers) and Talos(projector+active surroundspeakers) in my system. I have the complete system wired with Furutech Flux, 8 and 9 gauge PC's. And one C19 Anaconda CX PC incoming to benchmark against the Furutech Flux 20A.

Since the specs are not up yet on Shunyata's webpage I wonder if anyone can enlighten me on what gauge the new Zitron cables are?
I would like to confirm if they are the same as the previous CX generation or if they have moved up a notch reflected in their 1k$ priceincrease?

I have their Organic line and everything I've tried so far don't come close. The midrange is magical and the tone of the cable is so beautiful and life-like, never heard nothing like it. Images are bigger and sharply defined within the soundstage with excellent top to bottom coherence.

I will have over 500 hrs by week end but don't think tone will change but may extract more detail

System synergy is undeniable. Which Clarity cables are you comparing them to?

If you can hold out to the 500 mark and then put the Clarity's back in, it would be interesting. I think the Python Zitron's are more balanced than the Cobra's. I hear the Anaconda's are even more refined.

Glad the Zitrons are working out for you. I'm really not finding any improvements in my system other than a tad more transparency but that may be related to the cables
sounding quite thin in my system and weak bass.

I have over 350 hours on the IC and feel pin-point imaging and soundstaging is compromised by capturing more ambiance or hall effects. They are nice cables but don't sound real in my system. The 270ish hour mark showed the biggest improvement with a more fuller sound but no where near the refinement of Clarity Cables, which places the performers in your living space.

So far I really like the Zitron but you are right about it being a bit less forgiving and the CX's having a bit more warmth. Compared to the Anaconda CX, I favor the Zitron Anaconda. The KC's are a much tougher call. Those Anaconda CX's will be a great bargain because I think they're more balanced than the Cobra Zitrons.
Hi vhiner, I have about 4 days on a ac window unit (used in my dealers wine cellar), and about 2 weeks in my system. I've heard them warm up some and you're right, the bass impact and depth is a difference over the CX's (along with the transparency/clarity gains which are substantial)

I'm about 50 hours into my new Anaconda Zitron and I agree with your assessment. I wouldn't dump those KC's cause they may be preferable on some components. The bass weight on the Zitron is pretty stunning. How many hours do you have on yours?

I'm about 50 hours into my new Anaconda Zitron and I agree with your assessment. I wouldn't dump those KC's cause they may be preferable on some components. The bass weight on the Zitron is pretty stunning. How many hours do you have on yours?
So I am jealous on you getting to hear Brad Meldhau, I've always enjoyed his music...wish something was on vinyl or SACD. Really surprise a re-issue hasn't picked his music up...

Preburning cable I wish was a standard practice from all manufactures. It makes it nearly impossible to test a cable...

I am diggin the Anaconda zitrons AC cords. They have a clarity, transparency and dynamic presence the King Cobra CX does not have. I do think the King Cobra CX is more forgiving and a bit warmer on each note. Expect a few Anaconda CX's up for sale on Audiogon soon...I'll keep my King Cobra CX's for now...

For those of you who have Triton's, the Anaconda Zitron is pretty important addition. I currently have 3 more Anaconda zitrons, one on my phono stage and 2 on the amps. Rest are King Cobra CX'a
Oddeophile has already posted a very well-written and accurate review of the Shunyata Zitron XLR digital but now that mine is fully burnt in, I'd like to add a few notes.

I recently attended a live performance of Brad Meldhau and Joshua Redman at a very intimate jazz bistro. My table was about four feet from the performers, so the sound was stunning. I went home immediately and put on the duo's best recordings. Usually that's a pretty disappointing practice after a good live show. While nothing will ever compare to what I heard in the club, the Zitron XLR digital interconnect brought the music far closer to that immediate, three dimensional sound than I have ever heard before in my system. I can't give an electronic component higher praise than that.

That said, the 500 hour break-in for the Zitron digital cable is very daunting and I fear many people will miss out on just how utterly amazing this cable is.
A close friend of mine just got his and it sounds absolutely underwhelming right now. He will have to hold on for about a month of normal playing before the dang thing blooms. The folks at Shunyata tell me that, based upon user feedback, they are seriously considering pre-burning in the cable before sale. I would have been willing to pay a modest premium for that. In any case, the results are well worth the wait.
I have always used Anacondas over the last 10 years and have several models (Alpha, VX, Helix, CX). The funny thing is that sometimes one is better than the other, regardless of which is newer. In my current system, after much experimentation, I use a VX on CDP, a CX on my power amp, and Alphas and Helixes on preamps/headphone amps for the best results.

The older models have their unique charms and are sometimes better sounding for a particular component than the newer ones.
Well said Vhiner. Thanks for confirming what I felt. I love my CX Anaconda power cords to much to try the Zitron, but I did try and then order a digital XLR Zitron for the transport to DAC connection, it just seem to convey more detail.
With respect to how the Anaconda CX's compare with the Cobra Zitron power cables, the folks at Shunyata have told me that they are aware that some people prefer the Anaconda CX's to the new Cobras because the Anacondas are "warmer and more romantic." The Cobras are very fast and "live." The people I've spoken with freely state that in some applications and systems, the Anaconda CX's may be the better choice. It's one thing I love about the company: they keep b.s. to a minimum and have often steered me to spend less rather than more when selecting an upgrade.

When it comes to cables, it is always best to "try before you buy." I would add one caveat: don't waste your time with quick a/b comparisons. Listen for several days and then remove the cables. If you don't miss them, keep your money.

I'm ordering a Zitron Anaconda for trial tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how it fairs against my beloved Anaconda CX's.
Although many seem to report the new Ztron are much better than the previous version (including Shunyata themselves which is no surprise) there's at least one guy I know who owned the new Cobra power cables and said he did not like them because compared to the CX, they are "less precise". He mentioned they are less focused and added "halos" around instruments. He said that he returned them because from his perspective, he could tell the Cobra were "clearly" entry level. Of course, it's only one opinion but I can tell you this guy knows his stuff. Personally, I have 2 of them not broken in yet so it's hard to tell. Also, since I came from the stock cables, adding the Cobra was significant in my system. I'm waiting for another power cable (Ztron Python this time) so I will be able to compare the Cobra and the Python and determine if they are worth the price difference.
My dealer brought 4 anaconda zitrons by today. 1 20 amp for my triton, 3 15 amp on my trans/clock/dac currently.

The trans & dac had king cobra cx's, the clock anaconda cx, and the triton a kc cx. The 4 zitrons have about 3 hours in my system and a few days running off his heavy duty wine cellar chiller.

I am sure i have more breakin to do.

Umm this isnt subtle. Its like the hdray vray ii to triton differences, but maybe more. So more transparent, much less aggessive, but more resolute, warm, and dynamic. In a simple word, more like what i hear live unamped guitars, pianos, more distinct placement....
It looks like the older CX series of power cables are being bought as soon as they are listed for sale on several websites. I missed out on a Python CX because I thought about it for a day, dang it. I guess you snooze you lose. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone who owns the newer Z series can share the specs? I heard that one of the main differences in the newer cables and the older CX cables is the EFCC (electric field compensation circuit), which by itself, is amazing. I am wondering if the AC plug is Shunyata's own SR-ZP plug and IEC, and did the internal CDA 101 copper on the older CX series carry over to the new Z series? Also, are the number of conductors the same as the older CX series or different? Thanks.

I noticed similar issues when I auditioned the Talos. The Triton blew it away...everything in spades.