The 15a iec plug looks like the connector that would plug into a computer, or most audio gear. 20a plus have horizontal plugs for amps or power conditioners with higher amp ratings, and are not backwards compatible with 15a connectors.
Tried all three of the venom cables (the s, regular, and hc), and the last two are the winners. If you can stretch to the hc model for the amp, it'll make a difference. The s model is ok, but I ended up trading them out for the regular venom on my pre and fax. Fuller, more balanced sound.
Tried all three of the venom cables (the s, regular, and hc), and the last two are the winners. If you can stretch to the hc model for the amp, it'll make a difference. The s model is ok, but I ended up trading them out for the regular venom on my pre and fax. Fuller, more balanced sound.