Should listings include the age of the item?

It looks like a lot of used items sell for 50% off list, but:

1) The age of the item is not included in the listing
2) The list price seems to be the current list price, not the price paid for the item

Let me know what you think. Would including the age make valuing on used equipment a little more accurate?

Showing 1 response by raks

Member "Buconero117" responded to a Blue Book question (Newbie question - Equipment with good resale value) as follows with emphasis added that he felt the Blue Book values are overstated:

"For the major brands the general rule on fair used value, assuming a fully functioning unit that is less then ten years old, is 80% of the original MSRP (sales tax excluded) less 40%. This translates to $480 on a MSRP of $1,000. Once the unit is over ten years old, every year older would add an additional 5% discount, per year."

The above mentioned "80%" goes along with what member "Glenhifi" says about "off list price", and a strick reading would suggest the MSRP at the time of purchase should be used to calculation the value.