Should I sell my Oppo 205?

Please help me decide. Is there a logical reason for current prices on used Oppo 205? I bought mine few years ago brand new for around $1500. I've hardly used it since, maybe 2-3 Blue rays per year max. I have a pretty good collection of blue rays 4k movies. My questions:

1. Is there nothing else on the market to compete with this relatively old player?

2. What is so special about this oppo ?

3. Is it likely to become more in demand in the future?

Showing 2 responses by stereo5

IMHO, the Oppo was nothing that special, certainly not special enough to command the prices being asked today.  It was a decent player for under $1500.00, but to pay more than that, never.  
The Oppo is a DVD/SACD player that does a lot of things well, but not up to true audiophile standards.  It is a 1400.00 unit built to a price point and is decent for the money.  Decent at $1400.00 but it is not as good as a more expensive player and certainly not worth what they are being asked for now.  It is a toy compared to an Esoteric player or the higher end Technics, Denon, Yamaha players.  If you people really think it is as good as more expensive players, you are only fooling yourself.