Should I eliminate my preamp?

I have been using my Audio Research tube preamp and Bryston amp to drive Magnepan speakers for years. Recently I added a Oppo blue ray player to my system and connected directly to my amp using the balance cables. The reason was to eliminate the signal having to go through another piece of equipment before it hits the amp. Am I wrong or what am I missing?

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

Assuming you don’t create a major impedance mismatch, there’s no right answer.

The goal IMHO is your personal enjoyment. Your personal enjoyment may or may not align with any particular technical measure of performance. I mean, no one wants noise, or we think we don’t, but how low is low enough, and what are you trading off for lower noise?

There are some preamps like older Conrad Johnsons, which are pretty seductive liars. I doubt technically they measure very well, but I love to listen to them. In that case, removing the preamp from my chain is not what I want. Right now, I’m using a Mytek Brooklyn through a Parasound P7. The Brooklyn is more revealing and more relaxed sounding, but for technical issues I need the P7 in the mix. Kind of depends.

I will say I have had the chance to stream video from my Oppo (older BD player) and the Mytek, and the Mytek easily beats it for sound quality, but can't do 5.1 or 7.1
