... Should I be concerned?

Hello to all...

So here I am, back again, still trying to "tune" my budget rig to the max "best to me sound":

CD only setup with over 10 yr old Marantz SA8001, into a Tube Line-level preamp, into a Parasound HCA-750 power amp, with homemade speaker cables (12g solid core copper wire, twisted; bare wire on both ends), at back of speaker same wire bent into C-shapes as jumpers... Speakers are KEF Q1s (luv'um).

On the back of the Parasound, there are volume knobs (so you could use the amp direct without a preamp) which I have up full ( as recommended to me thru another topic line). When I play music, I have so little volume adjustment available: I can't really get past 8 o'clock (from starting at 7) without it being too loud... 

One question I have is: will I be degrading the sound if I " adjust" the volume pots on the rear of the power amp, so that I can have more control over the volume knob on the pre? I guess I' be shooting for a 10-11 o'clock on the pre, and I'll assume it means a great decrease in the setting on the power amp.

Could another tact be: to replace the volume knob/pot with an articulated one, one that would click increases as I turn it?

This may be a foolish question - but any info or suggestions (other than criticism or sarcasm) would be greatly appreciated... Best Wishes to all - Be Well.

Showing 2 responses by mrdecibel

@insearchofprat.....I am going to answer this from a different angle, and it is my experience, I say this. With the input level controls on the Parasound, set low, initially..............bypass ( do not use ) the tube line stage, and go direct from the Marantz SA 8001, into the Parasound. The SA 8001 puts out greater than 2 volts, and has one of the cleanest, least distorted output stages, and has a hefty, beefy, analog output stage / power supply, in an all in one cd player. Enough clean, hefty voltage, to drive your amplifier to full power. This will be " passive ", without the additional gain, to drive the power amp. Some posters here ( possibly all ), will disagree with me, on the passive mode, which is fine. I am suggesting doing this, for a week or so ( although it will be a pain to operate the rear controls on the amp ), because I have found, all line stages, especially tube products, to add colorations ( some say, additional warmth, smoothing over, just as a few examples ), and, robs you, of the finite details and information, embedded in your cds. This a a big controversy, between using a gain stage, and going " direct ", or " passive ", and I guess, you figured out, what camp I belong to. Lots of reading, here and elsewhere, on the subject. If you only listen to this one source, and you like what you hear, going direct, you can contact georgehifi, here, and get from him, possibly, the best " passive preamp ", in existence. Anyway, enjoy, stay safe, and be well. Always, MrD.
@insearchofprat.......Every pro amp I am familiar with ( which is many ), have input level controls, so they can be set, as mentioned above by jnorris, and also, to create level matching, in multi amp / speaker setups. Although a good volume pot might be at it’s best, at max setting, it should be fine at any other level. The Morrison ELAD is a very simply designed unit, and is more of a " straight wire with gain ", as opposed to your tubed preamp. I have not heard an ELAD in years, but I remember being involved in a preamp shootout, comparing it, to much more expensive, well known preamps, both tube and ss, and it showed less character, less sound of it’s own, compared to the others. I would try it, as it costs you nothing, as pointed out by rodman. There is nothing wrong with enjoying tubes, or any active gain stages, in your equipment chain. I like what I like, and I understand, very well, the variety of equipment available, and, the individuality, of every listener. But, when additional gain is not needed, and the stars line up between components ( gain and impedance matched ), for me, nothing like a good passive unit ( I happen to use a top Luminous Audio unit ). It is up to each individual, the sq outcome they are looking for, and without using the ELAD, you can still experiment ( Marantz into the Parasound ), as you will, as well, be using 1 less set of interconnects. Whatever YOU like best, that, is all that matters. Enjoy, stay safe and be well !