Short floorstanders?

Briefly, my friend is looking to replace his Linn Keilidh's for a music/HT system. He figures that 36" is about all he can handle before they will interfere with the screen. For music (the main concern) they will be matched to a Cary SLI-80 and Sony 999ES.
The only thing we've come across is the Totem Forests, but at over $4000cdn + tax new and the scarcity of them used we're looking for other suggestions. Any ideas in the $2k-$3k(usd) used is the target. His music tastes are mainly rock and jazz (eg. Macy Gray and Holly Cole).
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again all.

Showing 1 response by shiva

check out the Monitor Audio silver series, maybe the S8 model. A very short floorstander. Goodguys has them on their sale tables right now.