Shipping between Canada and the States


I'm wondering if there are any issues related to duties or taxes etc if shipping goods between the States and Canada. Is special paper work needed? any import duties assesed on goods coming into the states?



Showing 1 response by proy

I shipped audio goods from the US to Canada, things to know. Taxes 14.5% on new or used, some small duties may apply, then if your clear your own package you will save, again if you clear your own package you will save on shipping from the UPS/ Fed/Ex office to your home. All these cost add up. I cleared all my own from US to Vancouver. Taxes is the killer on most deals. Plus the manufactures are getting very sticky with warranty on grey audio gear. I now live in London UK try 17% tax,(some duties) I still clear all my own gear. Try Bax Global Courier, very inexpensive. Good Luck !