Shielded Phono Cable Suggestions?

My Well Tempered Simplex is pretty susceptible to hum and the manufacturer is recommending a shielded cable. I have been using a Kimber TAK CU and I like the sound but not the hum. Any suggestions in a similar price range, about $200 used?
The last line should have read...
"There are more expensive options available with nicer conductors if you like"
I find Audioquest to be very well shielded. For me, they always work when I get a hum with other cables. Its no guarantee, of course. Its just my experiance. If you call The Cable Company, they'll send you some demos to try in your system before. I use them all the time. Its a great service.
Van den Hul
D-102 mk III - triple screen with two internal balanced conductors and floating shield

There are more expensive options available with slicer conductors if you like.