Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good

It rarely happens to me, but in a pile of records I bought over the summer I

found one with no cover. Shocking Blue’s 2nd album. 'At Home' (I’m your Venus is on it).

Even most Beatles albums have at least one song I could pass on, but not this one. Horrible fidelity, scratched to hell, but damn...

So I’d love to hear of other records that you all could suggest.



Showing 2 responses by reubent

@audioguy85  - That would be David Gray - "White Ladder. I too have had it on CD since its release and recently bought the 2XLP 20th anniversary vinyl. Unfortunately, mine must be defective. The vocals on the second LP have terrible distortion. I'm sending it back.

Fortunately (I hope) my wife had bought me the 4XLP special edition, direct from the David Gray site, and it's expected within the next couple of days. Hopefully, it will not suffer the same issue.

BTW, you are correct. It deserves to be on this list.

Also, I just received David Gray - "Mutineers" on vinyl, for Christmas, and it is fantastic! Great album and excellent sound quality...

@gkim1986 @mjmcubfn 

I'm not much of a fan of modern/new country as I don't find it very country. However, I like old school country and I love Americana. That said, for me, one country album that I could put on this list is 

David Ball - "Thinkin' Problem"

I've always loved it and typically listen all the way through when I play it.