I have moved from planar speakers to Sonus Faber Cremona as an experiment to verify what I thought… Sonus Faber have a really unique and musical sound. Yes, musical was the word.
Within days I ordered a set of Sonus Faber Olympica 3. I loved these speakers… I had them for… I’m guessing five years before upgrading to Amati Traditional.
The Amati Traditional did everything you would expect of a speaker nearly three times more expensive. Greater presence, nuanced bass, fabulous midrange, and detail… and these things are soooo beautiful. I got rid of my sub woofers and was left to the much more articulated bass and coherence… top to bottom. For the last 2 - 3 years I have spent about three hours a day listening to and being constantly amazed at how amazing these speakers are.
I was listening to a set of Lilium a couple weeks ago… what would I have to do to get a pair ?