Seperates vs Integrated

Current ht is good enough but music is suffering. Have looked at adding an amp but discussion here led to rethinking and looking at a seperate system for music. Space is a consideration so wandered into integrated amps. Are there integrateds that will compare well to seperates? Have looked at Simaudio moon i5080, Anthem Int 2 and Jolida 1501rc. Are there other integrateds I should consider and will they provide a glimpse of high end audio? Want something that will give a little presence. Current system really suffers at low to medium levels loosing dynamics and clarity.
This started as what I thought would be a very simple system upgrade and has turned into a quest. So far lots of fun and very informative but also a little frustrating. Hope everyone will be patient with my lack of experience and questions that seem to overlap. Just hoping to enter a new level and learn all I can on the journey.

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

Depending on your budget look at the various YBA models. The best is the Integre DT (For Dual Transformer; I believe Stereophile A, can come with built in phono), There is a regular Integre, but if you cannot afford a DT, go take a listen to YBA's Audio Refinement Complete about $1000 new and $600 to $700 used. For in the Really Cheap but excellent, look for a used Cambridge Audio A3i (probably $250 used and has pretty decent MM phono).