Sennheiser 650 Headphone Cable Upgrade

I just purchased a pair of Sennheiser 650 headphones. I was debating on upgrading the headphone cable. For all 650 owners, did you upgrade the cable and was it 'worth' it? I'm trying to stay under $300 if I decide to purchase an upgraded cable. Strictly casual listening through an iPod or my Marantz receiver.

Also, what cable manufacturers do you recommend (i.e. ALO Green Line, Cardas)? I'm sure there are others, but that's just what I found. Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
I have upgradded my 650's using Double Helix Audio cables. Very good sound. He knows Sennheisers.
I've got the Senn HD600 and a cable upgrade made a very very significant improvement. The same would definitely hold for the HD650 too, since the differences between them are relatively minor. I used a Moon Audio Blue Dragon for $185, IIRC. Any of the premium cables will definitely improve the sound, e.g. Moon Audio, ALO, Cardas and others.
I've had good luck with Moon-Audio's Black Dragon Cables. The pins at the headphone end are a bit flimsy and had to be replaced after 2yrs ($40). But I would wager it would be the same for other cables as well.
I had good experiences with signal cables for my HD 580s. There is a 30 day return policy.