sending signal wireless from Mac to DAC- whats the best way ?

I have DAC that takes optical, coax , single post and USB Mini inputs, how can I send signal from Mac iTunes to the DAC? best way, not necessarily  cheapest way.

Airport Extreme does not support it, Apple TV has HDMI output so I cant use it, what to do ??





I decided to rip the wall and run in wall cable.

You won't be sorry. Nothing is better than a good hardwire connection, imo.

I just purchased an Apple Airport Express, $30, based on the response from kijanki.

Great purchase! It just works.


how do you send signal from Airport Express to the system ??

Via 1/8" jack or USB. ? 

The AirPort Express has a:

  • Analog/Optical Audio Jack

AirPort Express Specs

Audio out via optical Mini Toslink connector to Toslink to DAC:


I am using the AirPort Express as a standalone unit via WiFi, Airplay, from an iPad, iPhone, Mac. I have no issues using Airplay. I have had issues with other Airplay devices, not this one.