Sellers: When do you drop your price?

Selling my first piece of gear.  I've had a lot of views but no offers. It's been about 5 days. Great condition, 2 years old, offering about about 1/3rd off. No original box.

Perhaps all gear is particular, so if that's so, we can end this thread right here. But in case there's a general bit of advice, How long do you let an ad marinate before adjusting the price?

Showing 12 responses by gano

" Just for your information so that you know all used equipment is 50% off that's a given"
that is true 20% of the time 100% of the time
I tried to sell a pair of speakers here a month ago. They were brand new, they didn’t work well with my amp but they were high end and decent speakers. Regardless what I listed it for, all the offers came in at around 55% of the original price. First I felt insulted. I didn’t understand why everyone’s offer was so low. Later I found out they wanted to flip it for a profit. Given that it was brand new, box, warranty and all, I still think it was disgraceful. I later figured that eventually someone will pay slightly more, someone who won’t flip it. It’s a matter of time. I would check how many of the same items are up for sale and if you want to sell, price it at the lowest or slightly lower than - and offer something extra
you bought it for 1100 and sold it for 1300? Wow
someone else's loss is your gain, I couldn't disagree more with that approach. 
it's my opinion and my moral approach to not sell something for more than I paid for it to a private party. All I said was that I disagree. Anyone can disagree with me, as well, it's called a discussion
I guess it's twofold but the short version is Karma.
I was raised with catholic values and I am an anti-salesmen. I was taught to please and make others feel good and my own prosperity cannot come at the expense of others'. This was in Eastern Europe that had vastly different values than the US. If I get 5 bucks extra from the cashier in the store by mistake, and I notice it when I get home, I cannot rest until I take it back. I feel that we cannot expect to be treated fairly unless we treat our neighbors fairly. That includes not to tip the balance of personal financial transactions, and not profiting at the expense of others. Maybe it sounds stupid and idealistic or even wasteful and generous as some people swap goods to buy groceries. Luckily I haven't had to find and make good deals just to pay the bills.
A good example was my last attempt to sell a pair of speakers here: I would definitely not want to be treated the way I was by audiogon members and I couldn't treat sellers like that.
yes, thank you for the details, and the full picture. As I said there is no right and wrong as it's such a complex issue.

For those who made fun of me: this is exactly what I experienced during my attempted sale, I am not surprised.
@ sokogear
I am not confusing anything. You are dragging "business" and corporations and employers into this. They work based on the forces of the market and the regulations imposed by the government. It is just about a dude and you, both buying and selling used gear or exchanging fixing your car for a helping him with his son's resume, stuff between regular people. Let's not bring Marx and Friedman into this. I quoted catholic values. But they are just "values" - my values
@ jdoris
interesting point. With audiogear I think of dealers as people too, to some extent - vs as a business. And when I look at ads from private sellers, I always think of if and how I am willing to pay more to a dealer, like +15% or so because it's not their hobby but their source of income. It must be a tough business and must be hard to find the right model. Whichever way I look at it, we are humans who care about each other, it must not always be about transactions and profit
you are asking hypotheticals but the original sale I disagreed with has nothing to do with those hypotheticals. I don’t see any place I contradicted myself. I would do in any situation what I think is fair and there are endless types of situations. I have a moral compass that tells me what’s fair, so calling any outcome a contradiction is an oxymoron.
If I inherit a piece of let’s say [furniture], I would look up the going price and put it on craigslist. The fact that my relative bought it, stole it, built it - irrelevant if I don’t know the source. I will do what I feel is fair based on my knowledge of the situation. If that same piece of furniture was sold to me by neighbor for x, that will be a different set of parameters determining fair price. You can argue that fair price in your view is formula x, and that’s your approach and that’s fine. For me the balance of the Universe depends on my formula, and there is nothing else to it.

if let's say I found something on the street, that I would be sure no one is looking for, I would sell it for fair used price and I would try to use the money in ways that would benefit others, take a friend out to lunch, leave a big tip, save the dolphins, whatever. 
If it's an inheritance, I can't find any hook to your logic that "I got it for free". The person I inherited it from paid for it or someone he inherited it from paid for it, why would I give it away? Unless it's an uncle I never knew about, I work very hard for my inheritance, so I deserve to benefit for it. I.e. I support my mother financially and in every aspect and my contribution to her well being way exceeded what I will ever inherit. If my neighbor gives me his old speaker, and I don't need it anymore, I will ask him if he wants it back, if he doesn't, I will sell it on craigslist and tell him about it and split it fairly with him. I don't have a rule for everything, it's how I feel it would be fair and let me sleep well.  
@dill, @sokogear,
I wrote extensively about the nature of the inheritance, I listed examples, I explained that inheritance is not free, someone paid for it, etc. .It would not only be stupid but immoral to give it away to the person I inherited from. S/he worked hard knowing full well someone would inherit it, and would want me to benefit, hence I WAS THE BENEFICIARY on his will, inheriting. By your logic.... wait.... you have no logic. Are you really this ignorant to not read my responses? .We are now at 3rd grade level. I think you just don't want to understand. Please judge me however you want, I am done explaining. We are going in circles and you are ignoring my arguments.