Boy TimHopper, you really nailed your description well of what tubes, in the right synergy of components, can really do. (You will also delight in bringing your non-audiophile friends over to hear that "old vintage tube-style gear" in your system - and watch their jaw drop to the floor when they do).
I am often at a loss of words when I try to describe to my friends, both audiophile & non, just what exactly tube gear is "doing" to the sound. Best way I can describe it is that they seem to be able to light the sound from WITHIN, where as solid state, while being very good in many areas, just can't quite duplicate this gestalt of reproduction. It is especially noticable with well recorded vocal (like the ones you have listed). Is that really a surprise?, as we as humans have evolved to be especially sensitive to, what else, other human voices!
My friends who come over are still just amazed by my use of "old fashioned" tubes in so many of my components - CD Player, headphone amp, main amp, phono stage. Then the real double wammy happens when I play my vinyl M&K direct-to-disc "For Duke" on my Well Tempered rig... you should see the look of TOTAL astonishment then. "how can that be?" they'll say -- "Tubes and LP record albums for cryin out loud!" (They then sometimes need therapy.)
It's funny and ironic I guess that in a world of so many other technological advancements, high-end audio's best moments sometimes are still with 50 year old + technology.
Welcome to the organic side of hi-fi, a la tubes.