Schitt Yggdrasil More is Better

I have the latest (2023) Yggdrasil Less is More and I love it on my office system. The office has the Magnepan LRS+ speakers and a slightly warm DAC works nicely.

In my Livingroom, I am looking for a bit less warmth from the DAC (and amp). Has anyone heard the new Yggdrasil More is Better? I was planning on spending a bit of coin on a DAC, but I now realize that I can get better bang for my buck with an amp upgrade instead. I am thinking of the soon to be updated CODA System 150 amp.

I base this conclusion on the quality of the LIM DAC. I think getting better than this DAC is either diminishing returns or just another flavor. So, I am wondering how the LIM compares to the MIB? 

Anyone using the MIB and what gear are you pairing it with? I need to sell some gear to raise the cash for a DAC, so before I sell anything and do a 14-day home trial, I wanted to see what people are using the MIB with and the level of happiness. 



Showing 1 response by panerai557

I don't have any experience with Schitt Yaggie Dacs but I have upgraded Dacs many times. Each upgrades costed almost double from a previous device but  obvious performance improvements. But just with anything, I think you will hit diminishing return but not until $20k Imo. Amp upgrade can't be overlooked either.