schiit vidar in btl mode

Has anyone used a Vidar in BTL mode (400W at 8 ohms) ?

Documentation limits its use to speakers only 8 ohms (and above I guess). However, since the impedance of even an 8 ohm speaker can WILDLY vary and go even down to 2 or 1 ohms in extreme cases, does this cause any damage to the amp if used continuously ? The amp is supposed to have thermal and overcurrent shutdown so I presume it would not be damaged but has anyone ACTUALLY used it extensively in this mode to write about their experience ?

The idea is for about $1500 (two Vidars), one can get a 2 x 400 W amplifier. It is an incredibly sweet deal.


Showing 1 response by twoleftears

Read through the FAQ's on the Vidar website.  Notice what they say about using a single amp into a 2 ohm speaker.  You can apply those same comments to a pair of bridged units, except now they apply to a 4 ohm speaker.