Schiit Vidar.... Anyone heard one yet?

This relatively cheap by audiophile standards 2 channel amp has me very curious. I haven't seen any reviews or really even read any hands on blips about it. Just curious if anyone has heard it and what you thought.

Showing 3 responses by aberyclark

I'm thinking of purchasing one. I believe you have to have a preamp with TRUE balanced outputs to run as monoblocks correct?
The review samples sent to The Computer Audiophile reviewer had major problems and had to be returned. Looks like a couple of other purchasers had a few issues. I do give Schiit credit, they participate on the forum and try to help make things right

Yep, I've been following various threads on, Superbestaudiofriends and computeraudiophile.  I can only think of 3 or 4 owners that have reported issues.  It's hard to quantify this as people are much more likely to report a problem that to report no problem, but it doesn't look like anything more than the usual 4 or 5 out of 100 that are defective out of the box.  They've been shipping the Vidar for about a month now.
Right. Plus the "new model" glitches that anything can have. I would like to hear more reviews of the sound characteristics of the amp. There are lots of "I like it better than my old XXXX" and soon. I would like to here detailed descriptions of the low end, mids, highs, etc. I'm sure TAS or SP will get a hold of one soon