@grh1958 the Aegir can be run as mono blocks to get about 80 watts. That only works with XLR inputs into the Aegir, so your preamp needs XLR outs. The stereo Aegir only works with RCA.
Schitt does have a 15-day home trial period.
@grh1958 the Aegir can be run as mono blocks to get about 80 watts. That only works with XLR inputs into the Aegir, so your preamp needs XLR outs. The stereo Aegir only works with RCA. Schitt does have a 15-day home trial period. |
Both my Schitt Yggi+ DACs took 1 month of heavy playing to settle. My Aegir, which is used as a headphone amp did not take much time. It runs hot so maybe that helps in the components settling faster. BTW - I put together a new headphone system 2 days ago after having some of the components idle for the longest time. Schitt Aegir 1 amp | Schitt Mjolnir v3 preamp | Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More DAC | RAAL CA-1a phone | RAAL TI-1b interface I had other DACs in the chain before and it was sonically close to my RAAL VM-1a tube headphone amp, but really not as nice. However, now with the LIM DAC I am almost at the VM-1a level. A shocking surprise and one that allows me to move the VM-1a to another room. The Aegir is one nice amp.
I have not heard the RAGNAROK INTEGRATED AMP but this is what I would do. Call these guys after 10AM PST Thurs - Sun. The Schiitr 22508 Market Street Newhall, CA 91321 Open Thursday thru Sunday, 10AM-6PM.** I live very close by, and I think I will drop by on Friday after my trip to LAX airport. I called up last month to inquire about a DAC and I think I was given great advice which has saved me thousands on my previous idea of the DAC I want. I think 2 Aegirs maybe the way I go but it would depend on the speakers. The Aegirs likely work better on the B&W because of the Class A. The Aegir is a dedicated amp while the RAGNAROK has features you do not need since you have the Freya+. BTW - When I had the Freya+ I liked it with a Benchmark AHB2. Not sure how that would match with B&W buit I used that combo with a bright headphone and had no fatigue issues. I think the B&W would work.
@grh1958 Congrats on the Aegir working for you. I have not heard the Vidar but I would rather take a chance on the Aegir over the Vidar. Even though the Aegir is low cost it is a rather good Class A. My Aegir 1 suffers a bit from mechanical noise that is really not that bad and your Aegir 2 has resolved. Sonically the Aegir is really good. I moved my killer tube headphone amp to another room because an all Schitt stack came close to the headphone amp. That gave me options. Schitt Aegir 1 | Schitt Mjolnir v3 preamp | Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More DAC. |
I bought and then sold a lot of gear that cost a lot more than the Schitt gear I had. The amps and preamps from them are good and bettered by other gear I have. The Yggi+ DAC is amazing, both of mine are keepers, the OG and the LIM. I am done buying gear, except for the new RAAL 1995 Immanis headphone. Not really a hobby for me. Buying and selling this stuff was not something I wanted to do but it turned out I needed to do. Santa Barbara is not too hot like LA. I am in the warmest part of town, and it has only hit 90 degrees 1 time this year. And Now For Some Serious Good Schiit (Skoll Yggy!) - Reviews - Audiophile Style