Scam dealer on Ebay?

I’ve been noticing an Ebay dealer by the handle "skillful_sailor_japan" selling some good kit at exorbitant prices. Sponsored listings so they come up in your searches. Be careful out there especially if you’re not used to buying online/ebay. An example is a Jelco 250 (retails for $350) for $2000.


Showing 4 responses by samzx12

I've noticed this guy pricing Levinson amps at 3-4 times their used value. I emailed him and asked why is he asking these crazy prices and never did answer lol.  The OP just asked a simple question and figures someone would make a mockery out of it. If you are selling a high end product such as Levinson I am sure you would have a clue what it is worth. 
Geoffkait I notice you seem to condone this behavior of trying to scam or ask high prices.  Who in their right mind is going to buy for example a ML amp for $7500 that sold for $2000 less new? Or selling for $5000 less on the used market. The OP was simply stating a fact about this Ebay seller. 

OK some dude in Japan is trying to lure total idiots to buy high end at inflated prices.  It may not technically be a scam however, it is close to it.  Are you a conspiracy theorist lol?